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Think globally, act locally

No thanks. I don't care about our planet.


And you want to know what to do, to take action, to make a difference. Look below. Learn what is happening. Contact your elected representative. And make a difference.

Save Ohio Parks!

Our Ohio state parks, forests, wildlife areas, and other public lands are under attack.

For over a decade, the oil and gas industry has had its eyes on our most treasured spaces. Now they are about to get their wish. The Ohio Department of Natural Resources is now taking applications to extract from our taxpayer-supported public lands, which are supposed to be protected for the benefit of all Ohioans, not the profits of a polluting and destructive industry.

Fracking creates toxic water

Hydraulic fracturing fluids have chemicals that could harm human health and the environment, especially if they enter drinking water supplies.

Radioactive and polluting brine placed on public roads

This creates runoff, which is toxic to our waterways and environment

Trading Away Public Parks

Ohio Department of Natural Resources is now taking applications to extract oil and gas from our taxpayer-supported public lands.

Application to Frack on Public Land

As of September 16, 2023 15 applications to extract oil and gas from Ohio public parks have been filed with the Ohio Department of Natural Resources

Write your elected representative. Better yet, call them.

Your voice matters. Use it for you. Use it for your children. Use it for your children's children.

Ohio HB 43 – Banning Oil & Gas Drilling Under Lake Erie

Here's what you can do:

Call Ohio Representative Darrell Kick, the Chair of the Natural Resources Committee in the Ohio House and ask that HB 43 be moved through the Committee. His phone number is (614) 466-2994.

It has had one hearing, but it needs to have additional hearings scheduled so that it can be acted on by the Committee and hopefully adopted and sent to the House floor for final approval by the House.

How to Save Ohio Parks

Here's what you can do:

1) Call or write Nathan Moffitt, the Commission Clerk, of the Ohio Oil and Gas Land Management Commission. Let him know that you absolutely do not want fracking in or near our state parks.

2) Join Save Ohio Parks' Saturdays campaign. Stand at the entrance of a state park or any park in your area and let people know our public lands are under attack. They can supply you with fliers and fact sheets to let people know how to fight back.

Court dismisses appeal to block drilling and fracking under Ohio park and wildlife areas


A non-profit dedicated to highlighting the impact of climate change and other environmental issues in the Ohio region and beyond.

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