Mar 4, 2025
A major hazardous byproduct of oil and gas operations, called “brine,” poses a pressing problem because of its long-term radioactivity and the extreme volumes produced each year. Billions of gallons of this waste have been injected into Class II injection wells throughout Ohio and millions of gallons have been spread on Ohio roads as a deicer and dust suppressant. Several activist groups in Ohio have been working to educate the public and elected officials about the dangers of spreading oil and gas waste brine and to ban this practice for the benefit of current and future generations, and nature.
Bill Lyons, who lives in Columbus Ohio, is the president of the Ohio Community Rights Network and a member of the Ohio Brine Task Force. Both groups have been working to stop oil and gas brine spreading in Ohio for several years. He is also a co-organizer of Columbus Community Bill of Rights which has campaigned for four citizen initiatives to protect the Columbus watershed from frack waste and related fossil fuel activities.
Read the full article at FracTracker Alliance.